We love that feeling of freedom when picking our clothing for the school day. Every morning, some students spend hours just fixing up the perfect outfit for the day. On the other hand, some students focus on hair or make up and just put on their school uniform, stressing less on what they will have to wear. So, are there more benefits to having a school uniform or not?
To start, school uniforms bring a sense of equality among the students. Students wearing uniformed outfits decrease the chance of sticking out and possibly bullying. Wearing the same outfit promotes the idea of being on the same level. No one is more or less than another person! Not only does it bring equality, but it also displays professionalism and representation. Wearing a uniform that represents a school may cause a change in a student’s actions. Knowing that people can see what school that student is from and representing, there’s a sort of influence in what they may do or say. Having school uniforms also saves you from that morning stress when you don’t know what to wear. For me personally, I either take an hour to find a good outfit, or I just wear something that makes me look, as my mom describes, “homeless.” Uniforms also prevent any inappropriate or revealing clothing pieces.
However, being able to wear personal clothes and wardrobe have just as many benefits. Quite obviously, a student is able to express themselves through their fashion. You can always learn something new from the way a person may dress. Some students spend lots of money on their clothing too. It would be a waste of money to never get to show off their valuable pieces. The opposite could also be said. Unless the school itself pays for the uniform, they can be pretty costly. Different types of clothing can bring variety to a school as well. Different colors and styles bring more life to the school, making it more engaging and inclusive of any type of person.
I know a lot of people who are against school uniforms but I personally wouldn’t mind wearing them! Although they can be expensive, I like the idea of not having to worry about picking out what to wear the next day. I like being able to wear my comfy drip too though! ! It’s a very hard decision to choose! So what do you think?