Coronavirus Outbreak and Quarantine

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Laura Conway, Junior Staff Writer

The newly infamous Covid-19 Virus, otherwise known as “Coronavirus” has come to life, affecting nations worldwide. Symptoms of this respiratory disease include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, and bluish lips or face, according to the CDC. Patients that contract the virus are usually aged 60+, however, every other age group has reported a small yet persistent amount of cases as well.

 This virus is now on our soil, with four cases currently reported in Saint Mary’s County. Now, what does this mean for the LHS community? With all grade levels, K-12 canceled until the end of April, and local business forcefully shutdown, there is no short of frustration in the quarantined life of every Maryland resident. Little can be answered, in terms of school-based activities as of now with Prom still unconfirmed and graduation still planned.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and  CDC have set very strict guidelines based on quarantine and social distancing. These measures may account for the slowing spread of COVID-19, but who’s to say. This outbreak will go down in history books as the tumultuous year of  2020 that has only just begun.