Letter from the Editor: Welcome Back, Raiders


Welcome back, Leonardtown Raiders! Here we are again: back to the early A.M. alarms; the scrambling to make the 8 o’clock bell; the catching up with old friends in the hallways and making new ones in classes; the nerves before the big game, bigger audition, standing up for that oral presentation, submitting that application, or turning in that big test; the fun that comes with after-school clubs or practices or hangouts. There will be countless laughs, groans, smiles, whispers, shouts, gossip sessions, heartbreak, falling in love, and feelings of “I can’t believe I just did that”s- for both the good and the bad. Freshman: here’s to hoping that your very first year is simultaneously terrifying and wonderful, as everyone’s usually is. You’re going to get the hang of things, we promise, and a lot of things are going to change for the better. Put yourself out there, focus on your grades, get involved, meet new people, find your comfort zone and come out of it swinging, and appreciate every second of it. Seniors: we’re nearly there! So. Close. In retrospect, anyway. Nine months is manageable, right..? For those of us who are already feeling the effects of the dreaded senioritis: focus, focus, focus. Though many of us might be finalizing college and career decisions by this winter (no shame if that isn’t the case- you’ve still got a little bit of time), that doesn’t give a pass to give up on grades. In essence, keep grades an important aspect in your life but by all means, enjoy senior year and cherish every moment because as the age-old cliché goes- it’ll be gone before you know it. Sophomores and juniors: keep on keepin’ on. We’re in the homestretch of the public school system, people. You guys can do this.

This year, we here at the Imprint are striving to better ourselves in order to better the school. In a broad sense, where would the world be without the news? Being informed about the issues going on in the world around you- and believe it or not, there are a lot- is one of the most powerful gifts that a person can hold; and being informed isn’t a privilege, it’s a right. We created our mission statement with the utmost conviction to uphold it with each and every story, update, and broadcast we bring to the LHS student body. We’re here, at a base level, to deliver to you, the viewer and reader, honest, reliable, and relevant news as it happens; as well as acting as a soundboard for the community. The news system only operates when there are people who want to hear it, and we at the Imprint are hoping to really interact with our audience this year to better bring you the news that you want to hear. I so look forward to covering the wonderful year that we all have ahead of us!

Casey Bacon

Editor-in-Chief at Imprint