Election Day: How Leonardtown Students are Saving America One Vote at a Time


Leonardtown students Zachary Horner (left) and Steven Lumpkins (right)

Benjamin Daresavi, Writer

LEONARDTOWN, Md. (LHS Imprint) – Election Day is just around the corner, and while some of us will take the holiday as a chance to take a load off and relax, some members of our Leonardtown community are working hard to ensure that our elections are a success, and that the voices of our community are heard.


According to our very own Government of Maryland, Poll Workers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, security and accessibility of America’s elections, and protecting the integrity of America’s electoral process. An estimated one-million poll workers are required for any given election cycle every other November, and it just so happens that two of those million just so happen to be students at Leonardtown High School.


I caught up with our very own Zack Horner and Steven Lumpkins, who told me all about their work as Leonardtown Poll Workers, why they decided to sign up, and what they want you to know about voting in Leonardtown.


When asked about why they chose to work the polling stations on their day off, both gave pretty similar answers. Steven told me that he loves “…to follow politics and understand how they interact with his daily life.” Zack said that he mainly signed up since it “…seemed like something I’d be interested in to get involved with local politics.”


Next, I asked them what they enjoyed most about working the polls. Zack told me he loved “interacting with other politically involved poll workers and helping all of the voters.” Steven said that his favorite thing about working the polls was the fact that he got “to help others use their right to vote.”


Finally, I asked whether or not they’d recommend any other students try working as a poll worker next election day. Steven said that poll working is “actually fairly easy to do…” and that “you get to not just help others, but also get paid while doing it.” Zack said that poll working is a “ton of fun, you get to work with people, and get paid pretty well in the process.”


If you’re interested in poll working or voting this Election Day, or in any upcoming election, visit elections.maryland.gov